History Channel – Inca Exploration

Starbucks RED Project
7 December, 2009
Shakeology – Super Foods
8 January, 2010
Starbucks RED Project
7 December, 2009
Shakeology – Super Foods
8 January, 2010

W e shot nine weeks across all of Peru for the upcoming History Channel series called “Experiencia Inca” (Inca Experience.) We drove from Peru to Bolivia, all the way to Ecuador, covering the most important Inca and Pre-Incan ruins. We shot aerial, ocean, and river shots across deserts, jungles and high mountains.

Locations included:

Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo, Pisac, Nazca Lines, Manu National Reserve, Tiahuanaco, Pachacamac, Caral, Chavin de Huantar, Kuelap, among others.

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