TRUVIA – The Sharing a Sweet Future Initiative

British Airways – Highlife: Mario Testino
9 January, 2013
Greenexus – INTO Cotton
8 January, 2014
British Airways – Highlife: Mario Testino
9 January, 2013
Greenexus – INTO Cotton
8 January, 2014

W e had the chance to go back one more time to the rugged Andes region of Bolivia to shoot some of the aids that Truvia’s “Sharing a sweet future Initiative” brings to this region.

Instead of just shooting the obvious benefits the project brings to the region, we tried to capture the daily life of a local child, teacher, and mom.

The task proved to be a trial as we had to drive three hours each way every day and walk for an hour at 9000ft carrying the camera, lights, and sound equipment ourselves.

The results were breathtaking even for ourselves, the short pieces let you experience a little extract of the daily life in rural Bolivia. See for yourselves.

Project title:
TRUVIA – The Sharing a Sweet Future Initiative
Production company:
Connected Pictures
Location type:
ural Andes

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