Rachel Hunter’s Tour of Beauty – Peru Episode

Netflix – Cooked
9 January, 2016
Netflix – Chef’s Table: Virgilio Martinez
9 December, 2016
Netflix – Cooked
9 January, 2016
Netflix – Chef’s Table: Virgilio Martinez
9 December, 2016

Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty - Peru

W orking with Rachel Hunter is a lot of fun. She came to Peru to investigate about how beauty was approached by the ancient Incas. She learnt different beauty techniques from the past as well as recent discoveries like Camu Camu.

The Episode was shot both in Lima and Cusco, and covered many locations such as Markets, Historic Sites, Textile workshops, Beauty Salons, Trains, etc.

Production Stills

Behind the Scenes

Project title:
Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty
Production company:
Imagination TV
Lima and Cusco
Location type:
Markets, Historic Sites, Textile Workshops, Beauty Salons.


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