Starbucks RED Project

PromPeru – Peru FamTrip
8 January, 2009
History Channel – Inca Exploration
8 January, 2010
PromPeru – Peru FamTrip
8 January, 2009
History Channel – Inca Exploration
8 January, 2010

Gorgeous Entertainment - Starbucks (RED) Love Project

On December 7,Starbucks and (RED) brought musicians from 124 different countries together online in a giant singalong of The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love," which was streamed live at

Streaming Tank worked closely with Gorgeous Productions, who sourced local production crews in each country. They then contacted the production company representatives from each participating country individually, briefing them on the project. Each representative was asked to provide an internet enabled computer with a video camera or webcam connected to it. Remote access software was then manually installed on each computer, allowing the Streaming Tank technicians to remotely connect to each country’s computer from our base in London.


Project title:
Starbucks (RED) Love Project
Production company:
Gorgeous Entertainment
Lima, Huaca Pucllana
Location type:
Historic site

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