Netflix – Street Food Latin America

Rede Globo – Mestre do Sabor
22 June, 2020
TVE España – Inés del Alma Mía
14 August, 2020
Rede Globo – Mestre do Sabor
22 June, 2020
TVE España – Inés del Alma Mía
14 August, 2020

Netflix - Street Food Latin America


ollowing our experience with the Virgilio Martinez episode of Chef's Table, Drew Palombi (Producer) contacted us to help them with the Lima episode of Street Food Latin America.

Work started early on the planning stages, as it was very difficult to pin down which characters would be featured in the episode. Lima has a lot of options and thus Dan Marcus and Tamara Rosenfeld embarked on their scouting trip. During the scout they met all the candidates as well as visited all of the relevant Lima locations.

The shoot was a hectic last city shoot after enduring Buenos Aires and the high altitude of La Paz. The Lima shoot was quite pleasurable as all locations, logistics, and permits had been secured early on. Some last minute touches on some details and we embarked to shoot everything in just a couple of days.

The crew had a lot of fun as Toshi, Angelica Chinen, Doña Pochita, and all the other talented chefs were super friendly and eager to collaborate with the series. Fortunately in Peru we have documents which show us how street food was since the XIX century, and thanks to Javier Masias we were able to capture it in the downtown Pinacoteca Museum.

Behind the Scenes

Project title:
Street Food Latin America
Production company:
Greenway Pictures
Location type:
Restaurants, Street food, Markets, Parks, Ocean, Coast.

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