Mickey Mouse’s Bday Tour

Paracas | Featured Location
12 April, 2022
Impala Terminals | CBS Eat, See, Play Peru
12 April, 2022
Paracas | Featured Location
12 April, 2022
Impala Terminals | CBS Eat, See, Play Peru
12 April, 2022

Welcome to May's newsletter. Here you will find information about shooting in Peru as well as some of our most recent work.

Iquitos has a very interesting history, people always ask why such a big city was built in the middle of the jungle?

In the late 19th century, the city became the center of export of rubber production from the Amazon Basin and was the headquarters of the Peruvian Amazon Company. The rubber boom attracted thousands of European traders and workers, some of whom amassed wealth with the high-volume production, processing and trade in rubber.

As one of the leading cities in the huge Amazon rubber boom (1880-1914), Iquitos was influenced by the numerous Europeans who flocked to it. Architecture and cultural institutions established during this period expressed their own traditions.

The architecture and historical treasures reflect the colonial and early 20th-century European period, attracting an increased tourist trade in the 21st century. In addition it is a center of ecological tourism. It has become a major cosmopolitan city with strong roots in the Amazon, featuring a complex history and cuisine, Amazonian landscapes, nightlife, and a growing cultural movement.

Maersk – 2016/2017 Annual Magazine

At the end of 2016 we were contacted by Maersk on a last minute assignment. Photographer Tom Lindboe was coming to Lima to shoot some pictures of the Maersk operation in the Port of Callao. They also needed to take some pictures of a truck with a Maersk container riding the roads of Peru, but had not arranged any production support.

We were able to secure permits for shooting in the desert area of Pasamayo, a road which solely permits heavy traffic, as well as some pictures in the mountain area of Ticlio. The other feat was finding some llamas that could pose for the shot! At the end just the desert pics were featured on the yearbook, but the mountain locations will be used in the future.

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