Travel Channel – Booze Traveller

Adventures by Disney – Peru Family Vacation
12 July, 2014
Falabella – Falabella Digital
8 January, 2015
Adventures by Disney – Peru Family Vacation
12 July, 2014
Falabella – Falabella Digital
8 January, 2015

F or the Peruvian episode of the Booze Traveller series, we had the chance to dwell into the local production. We helped the producers with story items, casting, locations, permits, local crew support, lodging, among other items.

We went all over Peru, from the deep Amazon jungle all the way to the sandy deserts of Ica. We drank chicha beer, spit beer, the best Peruvian pisco, as well as the strong aguardiente (moonshine) in all of its forms. We also worked at making some of these drinks w/ the locals.

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